Harmony in Health

Connecting to Nature: Young People

Harmony in Health Team Season 1 Episode 21

With spiralling mental health issues in young people and increasing eco-anxiety,  how can connecting to nature play a role?

In this episode we hear from three young people with a passion for nature and all that it can offer.  They discuss personal experiences in nature, their choice of career, and share their thoughts on sustainability; an insight into the role nature has in young people finding harmony in themselves and in the world.

Talking to Julia Outlaw from Harmony in Health are:

  • Bobbit Benjamin-Wand, (age 26), Youth Programme Delivery Officer at the London Wildlife Trust
  • Andrew Dixon, (age 26), Zookeeper and Young Advisor at the London Wildlife Trust
  • Jazzie Peffly, (age 20), Physical Geography Student at King's College London