Harmony in Health


Harmony in Health Team Season 1 Episode 3

"Fascinating Rhythm - You've got me on the go!"

So said George Gershwin in his inimitable way....

This podcast on Rhythm is a stand-alone event but also a taster for our upcoming Zoom workshop on the same theme. See https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rhythm-tickets-140368071681

"Rhythm is omnipresent. There is something seductive about it. Rhythm is organic and has been with us from the beginning, because it is our heart beat that accompanies the creation of life."  Bartosz Nowakowski

"How does the brain detect rhythmical patterns? How does rhythm create a sense of community?" Dr. Hanna Poikonen

"Rhythmic structures in music vary across cultures, so we thought to share with you a selection of Syrian, South Indian (Carnatic) and Aboriginal rhythms in this workshop." Sara Khoroosi